or Append to and existing text file (‘ae’) or Append to a new text file (‘an’). This is rather handy when you want to take pieces of text from the screen and put them into a common file. It saves having to open a D/A editing program.
If you connect to mainframe computers White Knight 11 now lets you edit the filters for the Terminal emulation, File transfer and File Capture. You can edit all 256 characters that the program will see. This editing can be done by Character name or by ASCII code. (Click here to see the Editting window*). Terminal emul-ation now includes an improved VT102 which is supposed to support Dec VT
line graphic
character sets.
I could not check
this out.
-- part contents for card part 1
----- text -----
receive Xmodem in Red Ryder 10.3 (or was it ‘n’). White Knight also has something called Flash Protocol (’rf’, ‘sf’).Since the beta version did not come with document-ation I cannot tell you much about Flash protocol. The version of Red Ryder Host I am running (2.1B3) allows downloads using Flash protocol but this was one of the areas that bombed I cannot tell you how fast Flash protocol is or if it is faster than Zmodem. For you Mac Purists the mouse will still access all of these protools if you can handle hierarchical menus. The two command character commands and hierarchical menus are all over White Knight 11. Another area that White Knight addresses is one that the ZTerm commun-ication program does well. If you select a block of text from the White Knight term-inal screen Append to and archive (‘aa’)